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"Spider-Gwen: Gwenverse" Makes a Pretty, If Confusing, Debut

comic reviews Gwenverse marvel review Spider-Gwen

Written by Angela Rairden

Spider-Gwen is one of my favorite Spider-people, mostly because Iā€™ve always loved Gwen Stacy. Actually, if Iā€™m being completely honest, Iā€™m a big fan of all of Peter Parkerā€™s love interests ā€“ I guess he has good taste or something. However, thereā€™s something about the role reversal of the uber smart Gwen becoming Spider-Gwen instead of Peter that really appeals to me.

Not to mention, her spider suit is really slick-looking.

Therefore, when I picked up Spider-Gwen: Gwenverse #1, I didnā€™t expect to find it as disappointing as I did.

The official Marvel description for this five-issue series reads ā€œWhen Gwen Stacy was bitten by a radioactive spider, she gained arachnid-like super-powers and started a crimefighting career as Spider-Woman (or as sheā€™s affectionately known to her peers, Ghost-Spider)! But what would have happened if instead she had picked up the enchanted hammer, Mjolnir? Or if she had received the Super-Soldier Serum? Or built a high-end tech suit of armor? Orā€¦you get the idea! Find out as Ghost-Spider tumbles through space and time and comes face-to-face with herselves!ā€.

Sounds pretty exciting, right? Kind of like a Spider-Gwen ā€œWhat If?ā€ series.

Well, itā€™s not quite that. At least, not in issue one.

The comic starts out explaining that itā€™s Gwen suit that gives her her powers, which is confusing because thatā€™s not what Marvelā€™s description about this series states or what I know from previous Spider-Gwen comics that Iā€™ve read. However, as I read on, it became clear that this Ghost-Spider Gwen is a different Spider-Gwen than the one that I had read previously as she lives in a universe where not only are the supervillains self-admittedly kinda cheesy, but all of her friends know about her spidery alter ego.

Spider-Gwen vs. the She-Bodega Bandit

When a run-in with the She-Bodega Bandit (a supervillain whose specialty seems to be stealing and eating the food at the corner bodega) makes her miss her bandā€™s gig at a birthday party, Gwenā€™s friend and fellow bandmate Mary Jane (yes, that Mary Jane) expresses hurt and disappointment towards her. In a funk, Gwen goes home to where her dad also expresses hurt and disappointment towards her once Gwen admits that sheā€™s been traveling to a different, more exciting universe to fight crime there (because she has a spider-totem which allows her to travel the multi-verse).

Gwenā€™s solution, obviously, is to hop dimensions to a different universe in an effort to try to escape her feelings.

Meanwhile, the comic jumps to ā€œmany years from nowā€ where Finale, the Ultimate Artist, is performing her final show at the end of all time. After a confusing series of pages, it becomes clear that Finale plans to use her fans adoration, along with a pilfered assortment of artifacts, to survive the end of everything by jumping back through time.

Finale, the Ultimate Artist..I love the art and colors on this page

Finaleā€™s plans go awry, however, and instead she causes some sort of rift in time that results in Gwenā€™s identity being splintered into five different versions of her, all scattered throughout time. Itā€™s up to Spider-Gwen to find the different pieces of herself and prevent them from causing permanent damage to the space-time continuum before its too late.

Or, at least, thatā€™s what I think she has to do. To be honest, the plot isnā€™t entirely clear, particularly the pages that involve this Finale character. Ultimately, it just feels like a really convoluted way to introduce different versions of Gwen which are all conveniently integrated with different, well-known superheroes. Maybe future issues will explain it, but what are the odds of Gwen being assimilated with Thor, Captain America, etc. as opposed to just random, ordinary people? I know this is a comic book, but Iā€™m just saying that it seems really unlikely.

However, since this is only a five-issue release, Iā€™m just going to chalk this one up to someone thinking that it all sounded like a fun idea and they just wanted to see what would happen. Could they have found a simpler, less confusing way to do it that didnā€™t involve some mysterious, silly new future character (supervillain?) whose existence in this comic doesnā€™t make a lot of sense?

Yes, for sure.

However, they didnā€™t. So, here we are, hoping that issue two will make more sense.

ļ»æIvan Tao's gorgeous variant cover of Spider-Gwen: Gwenverse #1

One very big positive to this comic is the artwork, which has been created by Jodi Nishijima. Itā€™s wonderfully drawn with clear attention to details, and the colors by Federico Blee pop in a brilliant display. Furthermore, every variant cover is impressive and probably worth picking up just to admire it if you get a chance to.

Will I read issue two? You know, I probably will just because I want some clarification on what is going on here, and Iā€™m just going to treat it like the fun ride that I suspect that itā€™s meant to be.


Angela ā€œLaLaā€ Rairden is an avid fan of comic books, Star Wars, and most things nerdy. A cosplayer, she loves to attend comic cons dressed as her favorite fictional characters, particularly Harley Quinn. Although her day job is at a grocery store, writing has always been her true calling. She lives in the Pacific Northwest, where she is currently writing her first novel.

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  • Tom on

    When I 1st heard of the concept of this miniseries, I thought ā€œWhy all characters as Gwen Stacy? Why not Spider-Gwen interacting with other Women versions of Marvel Universe characters like (for example) Mariko Yashida as Wolverine?ā€ That said, Iā€™m all in because of my love if the 2016 miniseries. Hopefully, I donā€™t regret my blind trust in the Spider Gwen concept.

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