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Frankie's Blog — Kelly Thompson

Women in Comics: Three Writers Who Are Dominating the Industry by Angela Rairden

Captain Marvel comic book writers Gail SImone Kelly Sue DeConnick Kelly Thompson Women's History Month

Women in Comics: Three Writers Who Are Dominating the Industry by Angela Rairden

March is Womenā€™s History Month and, as such, I wanted to make a few blog posts this month about female comic book creators. I thought that I would start out by writing about a few really badass female comic book writers whom I, as a female comic book fan and a writer myself, really look up to. I hope you find them as inspiring as I do. KELLY SUE DECONNICK DeConnickā€™s 2012 run of Carol Danvers as Captain Marvel is what first really got me into comics. She wrote Carol as a strong and capable woman who was also very...

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