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Frankie's Blog — Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Buffy the Vampire: Faith #1 Delves Into Faith’s Confusing Past by Angela Rairden

BOOM Studios Buffy the Vampire Slayer Faith review

Buffy the Vampire: Faith #1 Delves Into Faith’s Confusing Past by Angela Rairden

Faith #1, the one-shot comic that released on February 24th from BOOM Studios, reveals the never-before-told backstory of one of the most popular characters in Buffyverse. Written by Jeremy Lambert with captivating art by Eleonora Carlini, and a gorgeous cover by Kevin Wada, the official synopsis from BOOM reads as follows: “THE FUTURE OF THE BUFFYVERSE BEGINS HERE! * The future of the Buffyverse begins in an all new one-shot revealing the secrets of Faith the Vampire Slayer. * With no Watcher, no idea how to harness the power in her and no idea where it came from, Faith has...

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